* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core */ namespace Nanoserv; /** * nanoserv current version number * @var string */ const VERSION = "2.1.2-dev"; /** * Base exception class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 2.0 */ abstract class Exception extends \Exception { public $addr; public function __construct($errmsg, $errno, $addr) { parent::__construct($errmsg, $errno); $this->addr = $addr; } } /** * Server exception class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 2.0 */ class Server_Exception extends Exception { public $listener; public function __construct($errmsg, $errno, $addr, Listener $listener = NULL) { parent::__construct($errmsg, $errno, $addr); $this->listener = $listener; } } /** * Client exception class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 2.0 */ class Client_Exception extends Exception { public $handler; public function __construct($errmsg, $errno, $addr, Handler $handler = NULL) { parent::__construct($errmsg, $errno, $addr); $this->handler = $handler; } } /** * Base socket class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 0.9 */ class Socket { /** * Maximum number of bytes read by Read() * @var int */ const DEFAULT_READ_LENGTH = 16384; /** * Internal Socket unique ID * @var int */ public $id; /** * Socket stream descriptor * @var resource */ public $fd; /** * Is the socket connected ? * @var bool */ public $connected = false; /** * Is the socket waiting to be connected ? * @var bool */ public $pending_connect = false; /** * Is the socket waiting for ssl/tls handshake ? * @var bool */ public $pending_crypto = false; /** * Is the socket blocked ? * @var bool */ public $blocked = false; /** * Should we block reading from this socket ? * @var bool */ public $block_reads = false; /** * Stream context * @var resource */ protected $context; /** * Crypto type * @var int */ public $crypto_type; /** * Attached handler * @var Connection_Handler */ public $handler; /** * Static instance counter * @var int */ private static $sck_cnt; /** * Socket contructor * * @param resource $fd */ public function __construct($fd = false, $crypto_type = false) { if ($fd === false) { $this->context = stream_context_create(); } else { $this->fd = $fd; $this->connected = true; $this->Set_Blocking(false); $this->Set_Timeout(0); if ($crypto_type) $this->crypto_type = $crypto_type; } $this->id = ++Socket::$sck_cnt; } /** * Get stream options * * @return array * @since 0.9 */ public function Get_Options() { if ($this->fd) { return stream_context_get_options($this->fd); } else { return stream_context_get_options($this->context); } } /** * Set a stream context option * * @param string $wrapper * @param string $opt * @param mixed $val * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ public function Set_Option($wrapper, $opt, $val) { if ($this->fd) { return stream_context_set_option($this->fd, $wrapper, $opt, $val); } else { return stream_context_set_option($this->context, $wrapper, $opt, $val); } } /** * Set timeout * * @param int $timeout * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ protected function Set_Timeout($timeout) { return stream_set_timeout($this->fd, $timeout); } /** * Sets wether the socket is blocking or not * * @param bool $block * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ protected function Set_Blocking($block) { return stream_set_blocking($this->fd, $block); } /** * Flag the socket so that the main loop won't read from it even if data is available. * * This can be used to implement flow control when proxying data between two asymetric connections for example. * * @param bool $block * @return bool the previous status * @since 2.0.3 */ public function Block_Reads($block) { $ret = $this->block_reads; $this->block_reads = $block; return $ret; } /** * Set the stream write buffer (PHP defaults to 8192 bytes) * * @param int $buffer_size * @return int * @since 2.0 */ public function Set_Write_Buffer($buffer_size) { return stream_set_write_buffer($this->fd, $buffer_size); } /** * Enable or disable ssl/tls crypto on the socket * * @param bool $enable * @param int $type * @return mixed * @since 0.9 */ public function Enable_Crypto($enable = true, $type = false) { if ($type) $this->crypto_type = $type; $ret = @stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->fd, $enable, $this->crypto_type); $this->pending_crypto = $ret === 0; return $ret; } /** * Setup crypto if needed * * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ public function Setup() { if (isset($this->crypto_type)) return $this->Enable_Crypto(); return true; } /** * Get local socket name * * @return string * @since 0.9 */ public function Get_Name() { return stream_socket_get_name($this->fd, false); } /** * Get remote socket name * * @return string * @since 0.9 */ public function Get_Peer_Name() { return stream_socket_get_name($this->fd, true); } /** * Read data from the socket and return it * * @param int $length maximum read length * @return string * @since 0.9 */ public function Read() { return fread($this->fd, self::DEFAULT_READ_LENGTH); } /** * Read data from a non connected socket and return it * * @param string &$addr contains the message sender address upon return * @param int $len maximum read length * @return string * @since 0.9.61 */ public function Read_From(&$addr, $len = 16384) { return stream_socket_recvfrom($this->fd, $len, NULL, $addr); } /** * Write data to the socket * * write returns the number of bytes written to the socket * * @param string $data * @return int * @since 0.9 */ public function Write($data) { $nb = fwrite($this->fd, $data); if (isset($data[$nb])) $this->blocked = true; return $nb; } /** * Write data to a non connected socket * * @param string $to in the form of ":" * @param string $data * @return int * @since 0.9.61 */ public function Write_To($to, $data) { return stream_socket_sendto($this->fd, $data, NULL, $to); } /** * Write data from stream to socket * * returns the number of bytes read from the stream and written to the socket * * @param resource $stream * @param int $len maximum length (bytes) to read/write * @return int * @since 2.1 */ public function Write_From_Stream($stream, $len = 16384) { return stream_copy_to_stream($stream, $this->fd, $len); } /** * Query end of stream status * * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ public function Eof() { $fd = $this->fd; if (!is_resource($fd)) return true; stream_socket_recvfrom($fd, 1, STREAM_PEEK); return feof($fd); } /** * Close the socket * @since 0.9 */ public function Close() { @fclose($this->fd); $this->connected = $this->pending_connect = false; } /** * Socket destructor */ public function __destruct() { Core::Free_Write_Buffers($this->id); $this->Close(); } } /** * Server socket class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 0.9 */ class Server_Socket extends Socket { /** * Listen address (format is 'proto://addr:port') * @var string */ public $address; /** * Real listen address (format is 'proto://addr:port') * @var string */ private $real_address; /** * Server_Socket constructor */ public function __construct($addr) { parent::__construct(); $this->address = $addr; $proto = strtolower(strtok($addr, ":")); if (($proto === "udp") || ($proto === "unix")) { $this->real_address = $addr; } else { $this->real_address = "tcp:" . strtok(""); if ($proto !== "tcp") switch ($proto) { case "ssl": $this->crypto_type = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_SERVER; break; case "tls": $this->crypto_type = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_SERVER; break; case "sslv2": $this->crypto_type = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv2_SERVER; break; case "sslv3": $this->crypto_type = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv3_SERVER; break; default: if (defined($cname = "STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_".strtoupper($proto)."_SERVER")) { $this->crypto_type = constant($cname); } else { throw new Server_Exception("unknown transport/crypto type '{$proto}'"); } } } } /** * Start listening and accepting connetions * * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ public function Listen($bind_only = false) { $errno = $errstr = false; $this->fd = @stream_socket_server($this->real_address, $errno, $errstr, STREAM_SERVER_BIND | ($bind_only ? 0 : STREAM_SERVER_LISTEN), $this->context); if ($this->fd === false) { throw new Server_Exception("cannot listen to {$this->real_address}: {$errstr}", $errno, $this->real_address); } $this->Set_Blocking(false); $this->Set_Timeout(0); return true; } /** * Accept connection * * @return resource * @since 0.9 */ public function Accept() { return @stream_socket_accept($this->fd, 0); } } /** * Client socket class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 0.9 */ class Client_Socket extends Socket { /** * Connect timeout (seconds) * @var int */ const CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 10; /** * Peer address (format is 'proto://addr:port') * @var string */ public $address; /** * Connect timeout (timestamp) * @var int */ public $connect_timeout; /** * Client_Socket constructor */ public function __construct($addr) { parent::__construct(); $this->address = $addr; $proto = strtolower(strtok($addr, ":")); $s = strtok(""); if (($proto === "udp") || ($proto === "unix")) { $this->real_address = $addr; } else { $this->real_address = "tcp:" . $s; if ($proto != "tcp") switch ($proto) { case "ssl": $this->crypto_type = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_CLIENT; break; case "tls": $this->crypto_type = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT; break; case "sslv2": $this->crypto_type = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv2_CLIENT; break; case "sslv3": $this->crypto_type = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv3_CLIENT; break; default: if (defined($cname = "STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_".strtoupper($proto)."_CLIENT")) $this->crypto_type = constant($cname); } } } /** * Connect to the peer address * * @param int $timeout connection timeout in seconds * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ public function Connect($timeout = false) { $errno = $errstr = false; $this->fd = @stream_socket_client($this->real_address, $errno, $errstr, 3, STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT | STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $this->context); if ($this->fd === false) { throw new Client_Exception("cannot connect to {$this->real_address}: {$errstr}", $errno, $this->real_address); } if ($timeout === false) $timeout = self::CONNECT_TIMEOUT; $this->connect_timeout = microtime(true) + $timeout; $this->pending_connect = true; $this->connected = false; $this->Set_Blocking(false); $this->Set_Timeout(0); return true; } } /** * IPC Socket class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 0.9 */ class IPC_Socket extends Socket { /** * Maximum size of inter process communication packets * @var int */ const IPC_MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 1048576; /** * pid number of the remote forked process * @var int */ public $pid; /** * IPC Socket constructor * * @param resource $fd * @param int $pid */ public function __construct($fd, $pid=false) { parent::__construct($fd); $this->Set_Write_Buffer(self::IPC_MAX_PACKET_SIZE); $this->pid = $pid; } /** * Read data from IPC socket * * @return string * @since 0.9 */ public function Read() { return fread($this->fd, self::IPC_MAX_PACKET_SIZE); } /** * Creates a pair of connected, indistinguishable pipes * * Returns an array of two IPC_Socket objects * * @param int $domain * @param int $type * @param int $proto * @return array * @since 0.9 */ static public function Pair($domain = STREAM_PF_UNIX, $type = STREAM_SOCK_DGRAM, $proto = 0) { list($s1, $s2) = stream_socket_pair($domain, $type, $proto); return array(new IPC_Socket($s1), new IPC_Socket($s2)); } /** * Ask the master process for object data * * @param array $request * @param bool $need_response * @return mixed * @since 0.9 */ public function Ask_Master($request, $need_response = true) { $this->Write(serialize($request)); if (!$need_response) return; $rfd = array($this->fd); $dfd = array(); if (@stream_select($rfd, $dfd, $dfd, 600)) return unserialize($this->Read()); } } /** * Timer class * * Do not instanciate Timer but use the Core::New_Timer() method instead * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 0.9 */ class Timer { /** * System time for timer activation * @var float */ public $microtime; /** * Timer callback * @var mixed */ public $callback; /** * Timer status * @var bool */ public $active = true; /** * Timer constructor * * @param float $time * @param mixed $callback * @since 0.9 * @see Core::New_Timer() */ public function __construct($time, $callback) { $this->microtime = $time; $this->callback = $callback; } /** * Activate timer * * Timers are activated by default, and Activate should only be used after a call do Deactivate() * * @see Timer::Deactivate() */ public function Activate() { $this->active = true; } /** * Deactivate timer */ public function Deactivate() { $this->active = false; } } /** * Write buffer interface */ interface I_Write_Buffer { /** * Setup a new write buffer * * @param Socket $socket * @param mixed $data * @param mixed $callback */ public function __construct(Socket $socket, $data, $callback = false); /** * Get availability of data * * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ public function Waiting_Data(); /** * Write data to socket and advance buffer pointer * * @param int $length */ public function Write($length = NULL); } /** * Write buffer base class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 0.9 */ abstract class Write_Buffer { /** * Attached socket * @var Socket */ public $socket; /** * Buffered data * @var string */ protected $data; /** * End-of-write Callback * @var mixed */ protected $callback = false; /** * Write_Buffer constructor * * @param Socket $socket * @param mixed $data * @param mixed $callback */ public function __construct(Socket $socket, $data, $callback = false) { $this->socket = $socket; $this->data = $data; $this->callback = $callback; } /** * Write_Buffer destructor */ public function __destruct() { if ($this->callback) call_user_func($this->callback, $this->Waiting_Data()); } } /** * Static write buffer class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 0.9 */ class Static_Write_Buffer extends Write_Buffer implements I_Write_Buffer { /** * Buffered data pointer * @var int */ private $pointer = 0; /** * Get availability of data * * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ public function Waiting_Data() { return isset($this->data[$this->pointer]); } /** * Write data to socket and advance buffer pointer * * @param int $length * @since 1.1 */ public function Write($length = 16384) { $this->pointer += $this->socket->Write(substr($this->data, $this->pointer, $length)); } } /** * Stream write buffer class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 2.1 */ class Stream_Write_Buffer extends Write_Buffer implements I_Write_Buffer { /** * Get availability of data from stream * * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ public function Waiting_Data() { return !@feof($this->data); } /** * Read data from stream and write it to socket * * @param int $length * @since 1.1 */ public function Write($length = 16384) { return $this->socket->Write_From_Stream($this->data, $length); } } /** * Base handler class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 0.9 */ abstract class Handler { /** * Attached socket * @var Socket */ public $socket; /** * Set a stream context option * * @param string $wrapper * @param string $opt * @param mixed $val * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ public function Set_Option($wrapper, $opt, $val) { return $this->socket->Set_Option($wrapper, $opt, $val); } } /** * Datagram listener / handler class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 0.9.61 */ abstract class Datagram_Handler extends Handler { /** * Is the listener active ? * @var bool */ public $active = false; /** * Datagram_Handler constructor * * @param string $addr * @param string $handler_classname * @param mixed $handler_options */ public function __construct($addr) { $this->socket = new Server_Socket($addr); } /** * Activate the listener * * @return bool * @since 0.9.61 */ public function Activate() { try { if ($ret = $this->socket->Listen(true)) $this->active = true; return $ret; } catch (Server_Exception $e) { throw new Server_Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e->addr, $this); } } /** * Deactivate the listener * @since 0.9.61 */ public function Deactivate($close_socket = true) { if ($close_socket) { $this->socket->Close(); } $this->active = false; } /** * Send data over the connection * * @param string $to in the form of ":" * @param string $data * @return int * @since 0.9.61 */ public function Write($to, $data) { return $this->socket->Write_To($to, $data); } /** * Event called on data reception * * @param string $from * @param string $data * @since 0.9.61 */ public function on_Read($from, $data) { } /** * Datagram_Handler destructor */ public function __destruct() { $this->Deactivate(); } } /** * Connection handler class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 0.9 */ abstract class Connection_Handler extends Handler { /**#@+ * Cause of connection failure * @var int */ const FAIL_CONNREFUSED = 1; const FAIL_TIMEOUT = 2; const FAIL_CRYPTO = 3; /**#@-*/ /** * Send data over the connection * * @param string $data * @param mixed $callback * @return Static_Write_Buffer * @since 0.9 */ public function Write($data, $callback=false) { return Core::New_Static_Write_Buffer($this->socket, $data, $callback); } /** * Send open stream over the connection * * @param resource $stream * @param mixed $callback * @return Stream_Write_Buffer * @since 2.1 */ public function Write_Stream($stream, $callback=false) { return Core::New_Stream_Write_Buffer($this->socket, $stream, $callback); } /** * Connect * * @param int $timeout timeout in seconds * @since 0.9 */ public function Connect($timeout=false) { try { $this->socket->Connect($timeout); } catch (Client_Exception $e) { Core::Free_Connection($this); throw new Client_Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e->addr, $this); } } /** * Disconnect */ public function Disconnect() { $this->socket->Close(); Core::Free_Connection($this); } /** * Event called on received connection * @since 0.9 */ public function on_Accept() { } /** * Event called on established connection * @since 0.9 */ public function on_Connect() { } /** * Event called on failed connection * * @param int $failcode see Connection_Handler::FAIL_* constants * @since 0.9 */ public function on_Connect_Fail($failcode) { } /** * Event called on disconnection * @since 0.9 */ public function on_Disconnect() { } /** * Event called on data reception * * @param string $data * @since 0.9 */ public function on_Read($data) { } /** * Event called before forking * * @since 2.0 */ public function on_Fork_Prepare() { } /** * Event called after forking, both on master and child processes * * @since 2.0 */ public function on_Fork_Done() { } } /** * Listener class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 0.9 */ class Listener { /** * Attached socket * @var Server_Socket */ public $socket; /** * Name of the handler class * @var string * @see NS_Connetion_Handler */ public $handler_classname; /** * Handler options * * this is passed as the first constructor parameter of each spawned connection handlers * * @var mixed */ public $handler_options; /** * Is the listener active ? * @var bool */ public $active = false; /** * If set the listener will fork() a new process for each accepted connection * @var bool */ public $forking = false; /** * Listener constructor * * @param string $addr * @param string $handler_classname * @param mixed $handler_options */ public function __construct($addr, $handler_classname, $handler_options=false, $forking=false) { $this->socket = new Server_Socket($addr); $this->handler_classname = $handler_classname; $this->handler_options = $handler_options; $this->forking = ($forking && is_callable("pcntl_fork")); } /** * Set a stream context option * * @param string $wrapper * @param string $opt * @param mixed $val * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ public function Set_Option($wrapper, $opt, $val) { return $this->socket->Set_Option($wrapper, $opt, $val); } /** * Sets wether the listener should fork() a new process for each accepted connection * * @param bool $forking * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ public function Set_Forking($forking=true) { if ($forking && !is_callable("pcntl_fork")) return false; $this->forking = $forking; return true; } /** * Activate the listener * * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ public function Activate() { try { if ($ret = $this->socket->Listen()) $this->active = true; return $ret; } catch (Server_Exception $e) { throw new Server_Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e->addr, $this); } } /** * Deactivate the listener * @since 0.9 */ public function Deactivate() { $this->socket->Close(); $this->active = false; } /** * Listener destructor */ public function __destruct() { $this->Deactivate(); } } /** * Shared object class for inter-process communications * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 0.9 */ class Shared_Object { /** * caller process pid * @var int */ static public $caller_pid; /** * shared object unique identifier * @var int */ public $_oid; /** * wrapped object * @var object */ private $wrapped; /** * static instance counter * @var int */ static public $shared_count = 0; /** * Shared_Object constructor * * If $o is omited, a new StdClass object will be created and wrapped * * @param object $o */ public function __construct($o=false) { if ($o === false) $o = new StdClass(); $this->_oid = ++self::$shared_count; $this->wrapped = $o; } public function __get($k) { if (Core::$child_process) { return Core::$master_pipe->Ask_Master(array("oid" => $this->_oid, "action" => "G", "var" => $k)); } else { return $this->wrapped->$k; } } public function __set($k, $v) { if (Core::$child_process) { Core::$master_pipe->Ask_Master(array("oid" => $this->_oid, "action" => "S", "var" => $k, "val" => $v), false); } else { $this->wrapped->$k = $v; } } public function __call($m, $a) { if (Core::$child_process) { return Core::$master_pipe->Ask_Master(array("oid" => $this->_oid, "action" => "C", "func" => $m, "args" => $a)); } else { return call_user_func_array(array($this->wrapped, $m), $a); } } } /** * Server / multiplexer class * * @package nanoserv * @subpackage Core * @since 0.9 */ final class Core { /** * nanoserv current version number * @var string */ const VERSION = "2.1.2-dev"; /** * Registered listeners * @var array */ static private $listeners = array(); /** * Write buffers * @var array */ static private $write_buffers = array(); /** * Active connections * @var array */ static private $connections = array(); /** * Active datagram handlers * @var array */ static private $dgram_handlers = array(); /** * Shared objects * @var array */ static private $shared_objects = array(); /** * Forked process pipes * @var array */ static private $forked_pipes = array(); /** * Timers * @var array */ static private $timers = array(); /** * Timers updated * @var bool */ static private $timers_updated = false; /** * Number of active connection handler processes * @var int */ static public $nb_forked_processes = 0; /** * Maximum number of active children before incoming connections get delayed * @var int */ static public $max_forked_processes = 64; /** * Are we master or child process ? * @var bool */ static public $child_process = false; /** * Forked server handled connection * @var Connection_Handler */ static private $forked_connection; /** * Forked server pipe to the master process * @var Socket */ static public $master_pipe; /** * Class Nanoserv should not be instanciated but used statically */ private function __construct() { } /** * Register a new listener * * For consistency New_Listener() will also wrap Core::New_Datagram_Handler() if the given addr is of type "udp" * * @param string $addr * @param string $handler_classname * @param mixed $handler_options * @return Listener * @see Listener * @see Datagram_Handler * @since 0.9 */ static public function New_Listener($addr, $handler_classname, $handler_options=false) { if (strtolower(strtok($addr, ":")) == "udp") { $l = self::New_Datagram_Handler($addr, $handler_classname); } else { $l = new Listener($addr, $handler_classname, $handler_options); self::$listeners[] = $l; } return $l; } /** * Deactivate and free a previously registered listener * * For consistency Free_Listener() will also wrap Core::Free_Datagram_Handler() if the given object is an instance of Datagram_Handler * * @param Listener $l * @return bool * @see Listener * @see Datagram_Handler * @since 0.9 */ static public function Free_Listener($l) { if ($l instanceof Listener) { foreach (self::$listeners as $k => $v) if ($v === $l) { unset(self::$listeners[$k]); return true; } } else if ($l instanceof Datagram_Handler) { return self::Free_Datagram_Handler($l); } return false; } /** * Register a new static write buffer * * This method is used by Connection_Handler::Write() and should not be * called unless you really know what you are doing * * @param Socket $socket * @param string $data * @param mixed $callback * @return Static_Write_Buffer * @see Connection_Handler::Write() * @since 0.9 */ static public function New_Static_Write_Buffer(Socket $socket, $data, $callback=false) { $wb = new Static_Write_Buffer($socket, $data, $callback); $wb->Write(); if ($wb->Waiting_Data()) { self::$write_buffers[$socket->id][] = $wb; } return $wb; } /** * Register a new static write buffer * * This method is used by Connection_Handler::Write_Stream() and should not be * called unless you really know what you are doing * * @param Socket $socket * @param resource $stream * @param mixed $callback * @return Stream_Write_Buffer * @see Connection_Handler::Write_Stream() * @since 0.9 */ static public function New_Stream_Write_Buffer(Socket $socket, $data, $callback=false) { $wb = new Stream_Write_Buffer($socket, $data, $callback); $wb->Write(); if ($wb->Waiting_Data()) { self::$write_buffers[$socket->id][] = $wb; } return $wb; } /** * Free a registered write buffer * * @param int $sid socket id * @since 0.9 */ static public function Free_Write_Buffers($sid) { unset(self::$write_buffers[$sid]); } /** * Register a new outgoing connection * * @param string $addr * @param string $handler_classname * @param mixed $handler_options * @return Connection_Handler * @see Connection_Handler * @since 0.9 */ static public function New_Connection($addr, $handler_classname, $handler_options=false) { $sck = new Client_Socket($addr); $h = new $handler_classname($handler_options); $h->socket = $sck; self::$connections[$sck->id] = $h; return $h; } /** * Free an allocated connection * * @param Connection_Handler $h * @return bool * @since 0.9 */ static public function Free_Connection(Connection_Handler $h) { $so = $h->socket; unset(self::$connections[$so->id]); self::Free_Write_Buffers($so->id); $so->pending_connect = $so->pending_crypto = $so->connected = false; if (self::$child_process && (self::$forked_connection === $h)) exit(); return true; } /** * Register a new datagram (udp) handler * * @param string $addr * @param string $handler_classname * @return Datagram_Handler * @see Datagram_Handler * @since 0.9.61 */ static public function New_Datagram_Handler($addr, $handler_classname) { $h = new $handler_classname($addr); self::$dgram_handlers[$h->socket->id] = $h; return $h; } /** * Deactivate and free a datagram handler * * @param Datagram_Handler $h * @return bool * @since 0.9.61 */ static public function Free_Datagram_Handler(Datagram_Handler $h) { unset(self::$dgram_handlers[$h->socket->id]); return true; } /** * Register a new shared object * * shared objects allow forked processes to use objects stored on the master process * if $o is ommited, a new StdClass empty object is created * * @param object $o * @return Shared_Object * @since 0.9 */ static public function New_Shared_Object($o = false) { $shr = new Shared_Object($o); self::$shared_objects[$shr->_oid] = $shr; return $shr; } /** * Free a shared object * * @param Shared_Object $o * @since 0.9 */ static public function Free_Shared_Object(Shared_Object $o) { unset(self::$shared_objects[$o->_oid]); } /** * Register a new timer callback * * @param float $delay specified in seconds * @param mixed $callback may be "function" or array($obj, "method") * @return Timer * @since 0.9 */ static public function New_Timer($delay, $callback) { $t = new Timer(microtime(true) + $delay, $callback); self::$timers[] = $t; self::$timers_updated = true; return $t; } /** * Clear all existing timers * * @return int number of timers cleared * @since 2.0 */ static public function Clear_Timers() { $ret = count(self::$timers); self::$timers = array(); return $ret; } /** * Get all registered Connection_Handler objects * * Note: connections created by fork()ing listeners can not be retreived this way * * @param bool $include_pending_connect * @return array * @since 0.9 */ static public function Get_Connections($include_pending_connect=false) { $ret = array(); foreach (self::$connections as $c) if ($c->socket->connected || $include_pending_connect) $ret[] = $c; return $ret; } /** * Get all registered Listener objects * * @param bool $include_inactive * @return array * @since 0.9 */ static public function Get_Listeners($include_inactive=false) { $ret = array(); foreach (self::$listeners as $l) if ($l->active || $include_inactive) $ret[] = $l; return $ret; } /** * Get all registered Timer objects * * @param bool $include_inactive * @return array * @since 2.0.1 */ static public function Get_Timers($include_inactive=false) { $ret = array(); foreach (self::$timers as $t) if ($t->active || $include_inactive) $ret[] = $t; return $ret; } /** * Set the maximum number of allowed children processes before delaying incoming connections * * Note: this setting only affect and applies to forking listeners * * @param int $i * @since 2.0 */ static public function Set_Max_Children($i) { self::$max_forked_processes = $i; } /** * Flush all write buffers * * @since 2.0 */ static public function Flush_Write_Buffers() { while (self::$write_buffers) { self::Run(1); } } /** * Fork and setup IPC sockets * * @return int the pid of the created process, 0 if child process * @since 0.9.63 */ static public function Fork() { if ($has_shared = (Shared_Object::$shared_count > 0)) { list($s1, $s2) = IPC_Socket::Pair(); } $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid === 0) { self::$child_process = true; if ($has_shared) { self::$master_pipe = $s2; } } else if ($pid > 0) { ++self::$nb_forked_processes; if ($has_shared) { $s1->pid = $pid; self::$forked_pipes[$pid] = $s1; } } return $pid; } /** * Enter main loop * * The $time parameter can have different meanings: *
  • int or float > 0 : the main loop will run once and will wait for activity for a maximum of $time seconds
  • *
  • 0 : the main loop will run once and will not wait for activity when polling, only handling waiting packets and timers
  • *
  • int or float < 0 : the main loop will run for -$time seconds exactly, whatever may happen
  • *
  • NULL : the main loop will run forever
  • *
* * @param float $time how much time should we run, if omited nanoserv will enter an endless loop * @param array $user_streams if specified, user streams will be polled along with internal streams * @return array the user streams with pending data * @since 0.9 */ static public function Run($time = NULL, array $user_streams = NULL) { $tmp = 0; $ret = array(); if (isset($time)) { if ($time < 0) { $poll_max_wait = -$time; $exit_mt = microtime(true) - $time; } else { $poll_max_wait = $time; $exit = true; } } else { $poll_max_wait = 60; $exit = false; } do { $t = microtime(true); // Timers if (self::$timers_updated) { usort(self::$timers, function(Timer $a, Timer $b) { return $a->microtime > $b->microtime; }); self::$timers_updated = false; } $next_timer_md = NULL; if (self::$timers) foreach (self::$timers as $k => $tmr) { if ($tmr->microtime > $t) { $next_timer_md = $tmr->microtime - $t; break; } else if ($tmr->active) { $tmr->Deactivate(); call_user_func($tmr->callback); } unset(self::$timers[$k]); } if (self::$timers_updated) { $t = microtime(true); usort(self::$timers, function(Timer $a, Timer $b) { return $a->microtime > $b->microtime; }); foreach (self::$timers as $tmr) { if ($tmr->microtime > $t) { $next_timer_md = $tmr->microtime - $t; break; } } self::$timers_updated = false; } // Write buffers to non blocked sockets foreach (self::$write_buffers as $write_buffers) { if (!$write_buffers || $write_buffers[0]->socket->blocked || !$write_buffers[0]->socket->connected) continue; foreach ($write_buffers as $wb) { while ($wb->Waiting_Data() && !$wb->socket->blocked) { $wb->Write(); if (!$wb->Waiting_Data()) { array_shift(self::$write_buffers[$wb->socket->id]); if (!self::$write_buffers[$wb->socket->id]) self::Free_Write_Buffers($wb->socket->id); break; } } } } $handler = $so = $write_buffers = $l = $c = $wbs = $wb = $data = $so = NULL; // Prepare socket arrays $fd_lookup_r = $fd_lookup_w = $rfd = $wfd = $efd = array(); foreach (self::$listeners as $l) if (($l->active) && ((!$l->forking) || (self::$nb_forked_processes <= self::$max_forked_processes))) { $fd = $l->socket->fd; $rfd[] = $fd; $fd_lookup_r[(int)$fd] = $l; } $next_conn_timeout_mt = NULL; foreach (self::$connections as $c) { $so = $c->socket; if ($so->pending_crypto) { $cr = $so->Enable_Crypto(); if ($cr === true) { $c->on_Accept(); } else if ($cr === false) { $c->on_Connect_Fail(Connection_Handler::FAIL_CRYPTO); self::Free_Connection($c); } else { $fd = $so->fd; $rfd[] = $fd; $fd_lookup_r[(int)$fd] = $c; } } else if ($so->connected) { if (!$so->block_reads) { $fd = $so->fd; $rfd[] = $fd; $fd_lookup_r[(int)$fd] = $c; } } else if ($so->connect_timeout < $t) { $c->on_Connect_Fail(Connection_Handler::FAIL_TIMEOUT); self::Free_Connection($c); } else if ($so->pending_connect) { $fd = $so->fd; $wfd[] = $fd; $fd_lookup_w[(int)$fd] = $c; if (!$next_conn_timeout_mt || ($so->connect_timeout < $next_conn_timeout_mt)) { $next_conn_timeout_mt = $so->connect_timeout; } } } if (self::$dgram_handlers) foreach (self::$dgram_handlers as $l) if ($l->active) { $fd = $l->socket->fd; $rfd[] = $fd; $fd_lookup_r[(int)$fd] = $l; } foreach (self::$write_buffers as $wbs) if ($wbs[0]->socket->blocked) { $fd = $wbs[0]->socket->fd; $wfd[] = $fd; $fd_lookup_w[(int)$fd] = self::$connections[$wbs[0]->socket->id]; } if (self::$forked_pipes) foreach (self::$forked_pipes as $fp) { $fd = $fp->fd; $rfd[] = $fd; $fd_lookup_r[(int)$fd] = $fp; } if (isset($user_streams)) { foreach ((array)$user_streams[0] as $tmp_r) $rfd[] = $tmp_r; foreach ((array)$user_streams[1] as $tmp_w) $wfd[] = $tmp_w; } // Main select $wait_mds = array($poll_max_wait); if (isset($next_timer_md)) $wait_mds[] = $next_timer_md; if (isset($exit_mt)) $wait_mds[] = $exit_mt - $t; if (isset($next_conn_timeout_mt)) $wait_mds[] = $next_conn_timeout_mt - $t; $wait_md = min($wait_mds); $tv_sec = (int)$wait_md; $tv_usec = ($wait_md - $tv_sec) * 1000000; if (!$rfd && !$wfd) { usleep(($tv_sec * 1000000) + $tv_usec); } else if (@stream_select($rfd, $wfd, $efd, $tv_sec, $tv_usec)) { foreach ($rfd as $act_rfd) { $handler = $fd_lookup_r[(int)$act_rfd]; $so = $handler->socket; if ($handler instanceof Connection_Handler) { if ($so->pending_crypto) { $cr = $so->Enable_Crypto(); if ($cr === true) { $handler->on_Accept(); } else if ($cr === false) { $handler->on_Connect_Fail(Connection_Handler::FAIL_CRYPTO); self::Free_Connection($handler); } } else if (!$so->connected) { continue; } $data = $so->Read(); if (($data === "") || ($data === false)) { if ($so->Eof()) { // Disconnected socket $handler->on_Disconnect(); self::Free_Connection($handler); } } else { // Data available $handler->on_Read($data); } } else if ($handler instanceof Datagram_Handler) { $from = ""; $data = $so->Read_From($from); $handler->on_Read($from, $data); } else if ($handler instanceof Listener) { while ($fd = $so->Accept()) { // New connection accepted $sck = new Socket($fd, $so->crypto_type); $hnd = new $handler->handler_classname($handler->handler_options); $hnd->socket = $sck; if ($handler->forking) { $hnd->on_Fork_Prepare(); if (self::Fork() === 0) { $hnd->on_Fork_Done(); self::$write_buffers = self::$listeners = array(); self::$connections = array($sck->id => $hnd); self::$forked_connection = $hnd; self::Clear_Timers(); if ($sck->Setup()) { $hnd->on_Accept(); } $handler = $hnd = $sck = $l = $c = $wbs = $wb = $fd_lookup_r = $fd_lookup_w = false; break; } $hnd->on_Fork_Done(); if (self::$nb_forked_processes >= self::$max_forked_processes) break; } else { self::$connections[$sck->id] = $hnd; if ($sck->Setup()) { $hnd->on_Accept(); } } $sck = $hnd = NULL; } } else if ($handler instanceof IPC_Socket) { while ($ipcm = $handler->Read()) { if ((!$ipcq = unserialize($ipcm)) || (!is_object($o = self::$shared_objects[$ipcq["oid"]]))) continue; switch ($ipcq["action"]) { case "G": $handler->Write(serialize($o->$ipcq["var"])); break; case "S": $o->$ipcq["var"] = $ipcq["val"]; break; case "C": Shared_Object::$caller_pid = $handler->pid; $handler->Write(serialize(call_user_func_array(array($o, $ipcq["func"]), $ipcq["args"]))); break; } } $o = $ipcq = $ipcm = NULL; } else if (!isset($handler)) { // User stream $ret[0][] = $act_rfd; } } foreach ($wfd as $act_wfd) { $handler = $fd_lookup_w[(int)$act_wfd]; $so = $handler->socket; if (!isset($handler)) { // User stream $ret[1][] = $act_wfd; } else if ($so->connected) { // Unblock buffered write if ($so->Eof()) { $handler->on_Disconnect(); self::Free_Connection($handler); } else { $so->blocked = false; } } else if ($so->pending_connect) { // Pending connect if ($so->Eof()) { $handler->on_Connect_Fail(Connection_Handler::FAIL_CONNREFUSED); self::Free_Connection($handler); } else { $so->Setup(); $so->connected = true; $so->pending_connect = false; $handler->on_Connect(); } } } } if (self::$nb_forked_processes && !self::$child_process) while ((($pid = pcntl_wait($tmp, WNOHANG)) > 0) && self::$nb_forked_processes--) unset(self::$forked_pipes[$pid]); if ($ret) { return $ret; } else if (isset($exit_mt)) { $exit = $exit_mt <= $t; } } while (!$exit); } } ?>